Welcome to the official website of Youth For Equality, Mumbai. We thank all those who have been supportive of our efforts to create a fair and equitable society.
This is a forum of equals to oppose the recent CHANGE in reservation policy proposed by the Government of India. We are a non-political, non-violent and united group of individuals.

* Read up more on the issue to educate yourself: unless you are well informed, you cannot convince others
* Talk to people one-on-one to explain the cause to them
* Mobilize people within your college/company/colony to help us create a wider base
* Download, print and spread the signature campaign
* Help us in our research
* Inform us about potential sources of funding
* Write in to us with your queries, ideas and contact details to: yfemumbai@gmail.com
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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Arjun Singh and MHRD Exposed

The government is trying its best to implement the 27% OBC reservation from this academic year but is not keeping the promise of not reducing the seats of the general category. The government is also trying to misread the judgement of the Supreme Court.

A RTI filed to the Ministry of HRD by Youth for Equality to know the status of the implementation of the recommendations by Moily Oversight Committee, unraveled some shocking facts implying that Mr. Arjun Singh seems to be taking the nation for a ride. The images are available for view below.

What action is being taken to ensure that the seats for general category will not be affected because of the reservations?

You say you will increase the seats and the infrastructure, but can you do it without the appointment of teachers. That is great, Mr Arjun Singh!

The government is in the election year and is just finding ways to implement the quotas without doing any homework. It seems they are just not bothered about the education in the country.

What a new low is this in the politics of India?

Its high time for all of us to stand and get ourselves counted.

“When evil forces unite, it is time for the good to join hands and become a force.”

If you are willing to join YFE and support this cause please contact them on yfemumbai@gmail.com