Welcome to the official website of Youth For Equality, Mumbai. We thank all those who have been supportive of our efforts to create a fair and equitable society.
This is a forum of equals to oppose the recent CHANGE in reservation policy proposed by the Government of India. We are a non-political, non-violent and united group of individuals.

* Read up more on the issue to educate yourself: unless you are well informed, you cannot convince others
* Talk to people one-on-one to explain the cause to them
* Mobilize people within your college/company/colony to help us create a wider base
* Download, print and spread the signature campaign
* Help us in our research
* Inform us about potential sources of funding
* Write in to us with your queries, ideas and contact details to: yfemumbai@gmail.com
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Thursday, July 24, 2008


Indrajaal or illusion is when you perceive a rope as a snake or vice versa. One of the greatest indrajaal of present time can be experienced in Tamil Nadu where Dravidian fascism is being marketed as 'social justice'. Tamil Nadu model of reservation has virtually robbed the minority general community of their dignity and right to life/livelihood and has lead to their disenfranchisement. Analysis of an entrance results or appointment is sufficient to prove it.

The results of Tamil Nadu MBBS and Postgraduate degree courses (MS/MD/MCh) entrance have been declared recently. Highlights of the results are as follows:

Current reservation in Tamil Nadu: Backward Classes ( BC) 23%, Backward Classes Christians (BCC) 3.5%, Backward Classes Muslims(BCM) 3.5%, Most Backward Classes/ Denotified Classes (MBC/DC) 20.0%, Scheduled Castes (SC) 18%, and Scheduled tribes (ST) 1%. Total reservation is 69%.

Remaining 31 % seats belong to Open Category (OC). All above mentioned communities and general non-reserve 'Other Communities (OC) ' can compete for this open category.

There were 1394 seats in MBBS. Out of these, 26 seats were allotted to 'Special Category" candidate'

Distribution of remaining 1368 seats was as follows: BC (312), BCC (48), BCM (48), MBC/DC (275), SC (247), and ST (13). The remaining 425 seats were for Open Category.

In Open Category, about 89% seats were taken away by reserved candidates: BC (244), BCC (28), BCM (18), MBC/DC (60), SC (27), and ST (1).

Other highlights included: ยท

The General candidates (OC/OC) could get only 47 seats out of 1368 seats, i.e. only 3.4% seats.

General candidate could get only 47 seats out of 425 open seats, i.e. only 11.0% seats.

Backward Classes (BC+MBC + BCC + BCM) took away 350 seats in Open category, i.e. 82.5% of open category.

In first 50 ranks, only 3 belonged to general, non-reserved communities. Remaining 47 seats were taken away by Backward Classes.

Even SCs captured 27 seats in Open Category and could make about 60% of non-reserved general candidates.