Welcome to the official website of Youth For Equality, Mumbai. We thank all those who have been supportive of our efforts to create a fair and equitable society.
This is a forum of equals to oppose the recent CHANGE in reservation policy proposed by the Government of India. We are a non-political, non-violent and united group of individuals.

* Read up more on the issue to educate yourself: unless you are well informed, you cannot convince others
* Talk to people one-on-one to explain the cause to them
* Mobilize people within your college/company/colony to help us create a wider base
* Download, print and spread the signature campaign
* Help us in our research
* Inform us about potential sources of funding
* Write in to us with your queries, ideas and contact details to: yfemumbai@gmail.com
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Read our blog in detail to get better acquainted with the details of the campaign we have initiated since May 2006. LOOKING FORWARD TO YOUR ACTIVE SUPPORT!

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"Youth For Equality, Mumbai" has been Registered as an Organisation! We can now accept funding in the form of cheques, demand drafts and money orders made in favour of "Youth For Equality, Mumbai".

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Battle won, war is still on

With unity and determination youth for equality has acheived a milestone by getting the bill postponed to winter session but our triumph is not over. We will continue with our agitation. our unity has shaken the government's mindless policy of bringing reservation. They were not able to albatross our dream. we congratulate each and every yfe member for their support. For all those who are still scepticle here are few facts
1) For the first time in Indian history seats are being increased in higher education only because of our effort. i.e not a single new IIT had been created in the last 50 years but because of YFE there will be several new IITs.
2) The seats in genral category has not been reduced, this was posssible only because of our triumph.
3) We brought down the government to its Knees and forced them to form an oversight committe.
4) The power is back in the hands of the youth. now government knows the youth is not ignorant.

Our new demands 3C's
1)Commission- we want a political commission to objectively and statisticaly prove the country that the reservation policy has worked en mass and review the mandal commission.
2) Court - we had stopped our agitation earlier because the supreme court had intervened and now as the matter is in the court what right the government has to pass the bill, isnt this a contempt of court or, is that the laws are only for common people.
3) Creamy layer - why is the government desperate to include creamy layer and deny the economicaly backward people to get the benefits of reservation. This law if it comes as it is, will favour only the rich OBC's isnt this a sheer vote bank policy.