Welcome to the official website of Youth For Equality, Mumbai. We thank all those who have been supportive of our efforts to create a fair and equitable society.
This is a forum of equals to oppose the recent CHANGE in reservation policy proposed by the Government of India. We are a non-political, non-violent and united group of individuals.
* Read up more on the issue to educate yourself: unless you are well informed, you cannot convince others
* Talk to people one-on-one to explain the cause to them
* Mobilize people within your college/company/colony to help us create a wider base
* Download, print and spread the signature campaign
* Help us in our research
* Inform us about potential sources of funding
* Write in to us with your queries, ideas and contact details to: yfemumbai@gmail.com
Read our blog in detail to get better acquainted with the details of the campaign we have initiated since May 2006.
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YFE pays tribute to Dr. Ambedkar
Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, the man who deserves all the respect given by the exodus gathering at Chaityabhumi Shivaji park on Dec 2006 on the occasion of his 50th death anniversary Youth For Equality salutes the sheer intellect of the man who graduated from US and later on pursued education from London school of economics, despite the condition then prevailing in India. We at YFE Mumbai would like to urge students to take some inspiration from the man who moved considerable blocks in the Indian history. What we should understand here is that it was his sheer intellect and fondness of knowledge that could bring us to this moment. At the same time we at YFE want the entire nation to understand that Babasaheb looking at the need of the time then, introduced reservation policy for the poor and the needy. He also made it clear that the policy shouldn't last for more than 10 years, that is because he knew that the political parties in the greed of getting votes would misuse this policy and in turn use the people of India for their vote bank politics. He also wanted the dalits to stand on their own feets, a feat to which a quiet a few like U.Khobragade, B.Mumgekar, Narendra Jadhav and theirs have come up with .Its now up to the people of India whether to look upon such people and follow the path of Babasaheb Ambedkar or fall prey to selfish politicians whose level of intellect is not even close to Dr Ambedkar.
Open your eyes, acknowledge the facts and then decide.
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