Welcome to the official website of Youth For Equality, Mumbai. We thank all those who have been supportive of our efforts to create a fair and equitable society.
This is a forum of equals to oppose the recent CHANGE in reservation policy proposed by the Government of India. We are a non-political, non-violent and united group of individuals.
* Read up more on the issue to educate yourself: unless you are well informed, you cannot convince others
* Talk to people one-on-one to explain the cause to them
* Mobilize people within your college/company/colony to help us create a wider base
* Download, print and spread the signature campaign
* Help us in our research
* Inform us about potential sources of funding
* Write in to us with your queries, ideas and contact details to: yfemumbai@gmail.com
Read our blog in detail to get better acquainted with the details of the campaign we have initiated since May 2006.
Make YFE MUMBAI Your Homepage
Appeal for Hunger Strike
This is an appeal to
all colleges to initiate a hunger strike as early as possible as a show of unity with the New Delhi doctors and IIT-Bombay.
To get list of students from IIT Bombay on hunger Strike click on
http://yfeiitb.blogspot.com/Specifics:There is no minimum number of students that need to participate.
It can be on a continuous basis or a relay basis.
Please take care as we do not want anyone to jeopardise their health.
New Delhi has appealed to everyone to initiate this nationwide hunger strike by 9 a.m. on Friday
25th May 2006. We must stand with YFE-bodies all over India as a sign of our unity.
Thanks and looking forward to your cooperation,
YFE Mumbai.
IIT-Bombay students on Hunger Strike
20 students of IIT Bombay are on Hunger Strike to protest against the Congress-led Government policies to hike reservation in Higher education. Their specific demands (which are also present in the YFE demand-list) are:
1. Roll back of the present hike
2. A review of the present educational system which including primary & secondary education.
3. To setup a non-political judicial committee to assess the results of reservation for the past 50 years.
To get list of students on hunger Strike click on
http://yfeiitb.blogspot.com/YFE Mumbai urges the public to extend their support and realize the importance of our protest.
Thank you,
YFE Mumbai.
ROYal Lies

In a blatant attempt at covering the police force's brutality, Mr. A. N. Roy, Commissioner of Police, Mumbai went on to make several statements to the press and TV channels that were lies:
- Students were not lathi-charged
- Protesters were trying to break into the Governor's residence
- No one has been injured
- Protesters fought with police
If he did not mean to lie, it means that A. N. Roy does not watch television news, or his sources of information can take him for a ride very easily.
Uninformed fool or a dirty liar: either or both.
Police Brutality Knows No Bounds

It is indeed a day to look upon with immense disgust as the city witnessed one of the most brutal attacks by the police on peaceful protesters. The force that's supposed to be the custodian of security unleashed hell at Walkeshwar this evening as Youth For Equality staged a peaceful protest outside the Governor's bungalow.
The students involved were distributing pamphlets to raise awareness about the cause YFE has been involved in when the police force appeared and, without warning, began
lathi-charging the protesters.
This act by the police is one of the most inhuman ones, as you shall see in the coming lines:
- The protest was labelled "violent", which is wholly an untruth
- Police claimed YFE "gatecrashed" the Governor's house, which cannot be possible if people sit on the road outside distributing pamphlets
- The DCP claimed that students were not lathi-charged, a most abominable lie
- Students expressed that they would voluntarily walk into the police vans, but the police still beat them up and shoved them into the vans
- It didn't stop there, as the students were beaten up even once they were inside the vans
- Lady students were beaten by male police officers; not just this - there were no lady constables in vans transporting lady students - a clear breach of the protocol
- As was recorded on camera, persons not in police uniform were involved in the lathi-charge, which is a criminal offence termed "assault and battery"
- Several of our protesters suffered injury, about 30-50 were grievously injured, while there were some who have suffered bleeding into joint cavities
- In addition to these, the police's devious tactics included dousing students, especially male students, with alcohol to later charge them with unruly behaviour under the influence of alcohol
- The police went to the extent of telling protesters that they would rather have the protesters commit suicide than blocking the road outside the Governor's house
The police is only proving that it's a ruthless, mindless pawn in the hands of the nation's politicians.
YFE salutes the indomitable spirit of all the protesters. YFE thanks all those who supported these innocents in any way.
Intimation of our reaction to this heinous act shall be put up in a subsequent update.
Thanks again,
YFE Mumbai.
Signature Campaign
We have launched a signature campaign to document public support for our cause i.e. to oppose any implementation of the 93rd Constitutional Amendment Act, which directly works to reduce the open merit seats in the country and, indirectly, divides the nation on regressive, caste-based lines. We, as members of the student community, urge the nation to raise its voice to express solidarity with this cause.
If you want to read or take this sign campaign into your community/college/colony:Click on the link below and follow the instructions to download the file. Then, open it in Microsoft Word and take a print. Make photocopies and collect signatures.
Link to download the sign campaign:
Click here[In the event that the above download doesn't work, email YFE at yfemumbai@gmail.com and mention "I want the signature campaign" in the subject.]
NOTE: The signature campaign applies not only to students but also, essentially, to all citizens of India.
Looking forward to your support,
YFE Mumbai.